My Life Changed After Watching The Oprah Winfrey Show

I have been watching the Oprah Winfrey show since I was a small child and I have seen many episodes in which Oprah helps to help others to learn more about themselves. I love to watch Oprah because she is so open to everything and she is in tune with her guests. She really tries to learn a lot from her guests without trying to pass any sort of judgement on them.

People that grew up in the 80's and 90's can really say that Oprah Winfrey became a part of their home and a part of their life. I look forward to runnig home at 4:00 everyday to watch the Oprah Winfrey show. I am amazed every time that she has a guest on the show because i see that it opens my eyes to learning more about people and topics that I would never normally think about. I grew up in the generation where talk shows meant a lot to people and that everyone knew of a talk show besides oprah. There was the Phil Donohue show and the Ricky Lake show and so many other talk shows.

I watched so many talk shows that I failed to keep up with it all. I just wonder what will happen one day when Oprah decides to go off the air. A large part of my life has been looking forward to watching the Oprah Winfrey show each day.

I usually balance out her show while giving psychic readings to my clients. I usually use her show as a teaching method. She has brought so much clarity into most situations and she has definetely helped me to learn more about myself through her show. I wish to thank Oprah for all of her shows and for allowing people around the world to get in tune with social and environmental issues. She is the highest paid woman in television and in my opinion, the most interesting to watch. She really knows a lot about different issues and is highly into education.

There are many paths for someone to go through in life and I have learned that watching the Oprah show is one of the life paths that have some sort of direction. It makes me think that I can really learn a lot from watching impactful shows. I must admit that I am psychic to as you may have guessed since I do psychic readings daily. I must also tell you that I enjoy helping others that are in need.

I sometimes feel like a talk show host because I deal with so many different issues on a daily basis. I enjoy giving psychic readings daily because I believe that's the reason why I have been put on this earth. I am called to give more of myself to those that are in need and its my goal to be like Oprah in so many ways because I want to help as many people as she has.

Charlie Reese loves to watch the Oprah Winfrey show. He also enjoys giving psychic readings and looking at the chinese calendar astrology for the lunar months.

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